Don't know what to do if your car has been flood-damaged? | Cols Body Shop

Don’t know what to do if your car has been flood-damaged?

Your car has been damaged in a flood. What do you do? While some people may feel like they’re at a loss, don’t worry, there are plenty of things you can do to get your vehicle back on the road. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what to do if your car has been damaged by water and provide information on how to get it fixed. Heavy rain and flooding have affected many areas of NSW & QLD, it’s not just homes and roads that can be severely affected, but cars as well. One way to tell if your headlights need restoration is if they’re emitting a yellow light instead of the standard white light. Additionally, if your car headlights are foggy, hazy or have decreased invisibility, it’s likely that they will need restoring.


When your car has been flood-damaged, it can be a stressful experience. Flooding can cause serious damage to your vehicle, resulting in costly repairs and potentially increasing the risk of accidents. If you suspect that your car may have been impacted by flooding, there are a few steps you should take to protect yourself and ensure that any necessary repairs are carried out effectively.
The first step is to assess the extent of the damage. Check the exterior of your vehicle for signs of flooding, such as silt or mud on the exterior, or displaced mud mats underneath the wheels. It’s also important to look inside the car for any signs of water damage, such as damp odours or mould growth. If you notice any evidence of flooding on your car, it’s essential to seek professional help right away. This will ensure that your vehicle is properly repaired and will help to keep you safe when driving. Here at Col’s Body Shop, we specialise in flood-damaged vehicles, so be sure to contact
our facility for assistance as soon as possible.


If you’re thinking of buying a second-hand car, it’s important to be aware that some vehicles may have been damaged in floods. Although the damage might not be immediately obvious, there are some tell-tale signs that you can look out for.
On the outside of the car, rust on screws or other fixings in areas that are normally sheltered from the weather could be an indication that the car has been flooded in the past. Similarly, if there is a musty smell inside the car, this could be a sign that it has been exposed to water at some point.
Of course, not all cars that have been damaged by floods will show these signs, so it’s important to carry out a thorough inspection before making a purchase. If you’re in any doubt, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and choose another vehicle.


If you find yourself caught in a flood, the best course of action is to avoid driving through the water if possible. Even a small amount of flooding can damage your car’s engine, leaving you stranded on a potentially dangerous road.
However, if you must drive through floodwater, try to gauge how deep it is before proceeding.
Ideally, you should only attempt to drive through water that is 15cm or less in-depth. Remember: it is always better to err on the side of caution when driving in floods.
Of course, driving through any amount of floodwater is never recommended. If possible, it’s always best to avoid flooded roads altogether. But if you find yourself in a situation where you must drive through a flood, keep these tips in mind to minimise the risk of damage to your car.
1. When you are advised of potential flooding, you should have your vehicle packed and ready to go.
2. Time is your best resource. Leaving sooner will always be preferable as conditions can change very
quickly – often in only minutes.
3. Roads can be cut off, destroyed, flooded, or covered in debris during extreme weather events.
4. Driving can be your only way to escape but if you leave it too late – you may get stuck or worse.
5. If you must drive in floodwaters, here are some things to keep in mind:
– Never drive through fast-flowing or rising water. The depth may be too great for your car to handle, and the current could sweep you away.
– If the water is not moving, it could still be too deep for your car. Use a stick or something else to test the depth before driving through.
– Do not drive around barricades – they are there for a reason!
– Be extra careful at night when it is harder to see potential dangers.
– Keep an eye out for debris in the water that could damage your car or cause you to lose control.
– Drive slowly and carefully – this will help you avoid losing control and will minimize the chances of your car being swept away.
Stay safe out there!
-Col’s Body Shop